I've only mentioned the election in passing, first because this blog is almost entirely a place for me to post reviews and second because just thinking about the final results makes me feel panicky, angry, and sick. I feel like the US failed a very basic decency test.
I've been trying to figure out what to do from here on out. I made room in my budget for a few monthly donations (the ACLU is one), and I'm working on my phone anxiety for phone calls to my reps. It feels like nothing I could possibly do would be enough, but I'm trying not to let that weigh me down to the point where I don't do anything. I wish I didn't feel like I was surrounded by potential landmines – I know that there are likely a lot of people in my daily life who don't share my horror and who maybe even think that our new president will do great things.
And that's basically it. I don't really know what else to say. The next post will be something Yuri on Ice related, because I'm clinging to that show like it's an emotional lifesaver.